
“Smart (and punny)…at once accessible and enlightening.”
— Stephanie Volkoff Green, Mother Jones

“Run by a crew of high school baby geniuses.” — Courtney E. Martin, Feministing


Women’s Lib[eration], a.k.a. feminism: n., belief in the social, political, and economic equality of all people regardless of gender or sex

glib: adj., performed with a natural, offhand ease

Women’s Glib is a blog by and for young feminists that was founded in January 2009. Our contributors hail from all over the United States and the world, and we write about what matters to us with a focus on feminism and other progressive values. We cannot and do not speak for all teenagers or all young feminists; we simply speak for ourselves and write our own truths. You can learn more about our blog by listening to this podcast conversation on Teachers Teaching Teachers, by becoming our fan on Facebook, or by following us on Twitter. Direct all emails to Elena at womensglib -AT- gmail -DOT- com.

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