The Reasons Women Don’t Recognize Their Abusers

March 20, 2009 § 1 Comment

Irishwitch over at Daily Kos has an eye-opening article up about batterers and how they operate. She also covers the reasons why women often times don’t recognize the warning signs of abuse. She even touches briefly on Chris Brown and Rihanna, but mostly discusses a personal experience that a friend of hers had.

It’s amazing that we feel sympathy for the victims of a Ponzi scheme operator like Madoff—but, all to often,  not for battered women because “they should have seen it coming.” In the case of Chris Brown’s alleged abuse of Rihanna, he fooled not only her, but the fans, the media and some pretty big corporations who hired him as a pitchman.  He was Mr. Nice Guy.  If they all fell for it, it’s no wonder that a twenty-one-year-old girl did too.  And that is why women don’t recognize the red flags for what they are: they don’t look like red flags. They look like roses.

As horrifying as the article is, I think it’s also extremely important. I would definitely recomend you go read it.

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