Thoughts on taking up space

May 22, 2009 § 6 Comments

A family friend of mine is a professor at Barnard College, and was telling me about their fantastic graduation ceremony the other day. Hillary Clinton was the commencement speaker (jealousy!); a few students presented speeches as well.

Sarah Nager, the winner of a speaking competition, gave the “Academic Reflections” address, in which she drew parallels between the amount of space women are allowed to take up literally (on the subway) and figuratively (in leadership roles and in society at large). She praised Barnard as an institution that “does not limit the amount of space women take up.”

Nager’s speech directly addresses a double standard that I – and many other feminists – think about a lot. Quite simply, guys are encouraged to be there, to make their presence known. Male body ideals – tall, chiseled, formidable – teach men to value strength and self-reliance. They should stand up straight, look people in the eye, shake hands firmly. They should be able to defend themselves.

Women, on the other hand, always need a man to protect them. We fall back on the scientific “proof” that men are physically stronger than women (which is true. Men, on average, can bench press more weight – but then again, most women can grow a child using only their bodies. Interesting what society deems important, isn’t it?), but in actuality these roles are socially constructed and implemented. The activities that girls are most often encouraged to pursue, like dance and gymnastics, are of course physically demanding, but they are cloaked in an air of performance and superficiality. Girls should move their bodies not to become stronger or have fun, but because they’ll look pretty for an audience.

This idea goes farther than just physical activity. It extends to other spheres as well:

  • Body odor: Deodorant marketed to men often has a strong, “spicy” scent, while women’s deodorant is mild and meant to be concealed.
  • Body fluids: Semen is socially acknowledged and talked about casually. Vaginal fluids and menstrual blood, on the other hand, are supposed to be wiped up as fast as possible and kept hidden from the world.
  • Posture: In my experience, strikingly tall men carry themselves with pride and confidence, whereas similar women tend to slouch.

How can we show girls – and perhaps more importantly, show ourselves – that taking up space is not only okay, it is a vital part of maintaining our physical presence and autonomy? What do y’all do to assert your physical, and consequently intellectual, selves?

§ 6 Responses to Thoughts on taking up space

  • Aileen Wuornos says:

    I use mens antipesperant, just because I find that women’s isn’t actually strong enough for my sexy sweaty womanly body.
    I also use the diva cup – I wish people would stop wasting money on tampons and pads, I’m certainly not disgusted by own bodily fluids.
    I sit “like a man” – that is, spread legged (regardless of if I’m wearing a skirt!), taking up as much space as possible, I stand tall and refuse to re-negotiate my walking space to men.

    I walked through a big group of suited business type men who were all about 6′, and I’m 5’3″, refused to change my path and knocked shoulders with most of them, they looked at me funny so I just said “fuckin’ watch it mate”, their reaction was fucking priceless.

  • they looked at me funny so I just said “fuckin’ watch it mate”, their reaction was fucking priceless.

    That’s great! HAHAHAH!

    BTW, here via Feministe SSPS.

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  • Jasper Gregory says:

    Hi Miranda,
    Your post reminds me of one of mine.
    I agree with you on most point. I would like to add my transgendered experience though. You see I think that this aggressive masculinity is not just something boys get to do. It is something they have to do. A male who does not take up space is bullied and marginalized in our society.

  • E.G says:

    Sofa. King. True. Even classmates at my women’s college had an easier time talking about semen than their own menstrual cycles.

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