Is this shit for real?

August 26, 2010 § 2 Comments


Via Gawker, I can’t believe this exists in 2010. Like, I know douches are still around, but are ads like this even a thing? Do we or do we not live in the twenty-first century?

Confidence at Work: How to Ask for a Raise

It should start with your usual routine and all the things you do to feel your best, including applying poison to your ladybits showering with Summer’s Eve Feminine Wash or periodically wiping your vulva with harsh chemicals throwing a packet of Summer’s Eve Feminine Cleansing Cloths into your bag for a quick freshness pick-me-up during the day.

Because when I’m in a tense situation with my boss or teacher, the biggest concern weighing on me is the smell of my vagina. Uh. Nope. Thanks to my friend Sarah for sending me the link. I LOLed at her commentary: “Did Don Draper write this?” I’d rather see Peggy’s copy.

§ 2 Responses to Is this shit for real?

  • Katie E says:

    Ew. Right on.

    I have no idea why it is legal and socially acceptable to sell douches at mainstream stores but not sex toys or pot.

    • Elena says:

      Well, I have seen some of the Durex brand finger vibrators at Walgreens/Meijer/Target/CVS, but they’re kept in a locked case with the condoms and pregnancy tests (which is total B.S., but at least they’re available). The fact that dangerous products such as douches and “feminine cleansers” are so readily available, when sex toys/contraception/etc are more difficult to get just reflects an additude that legitimate women’s health and sexuality concerns are unimportant and/or dangerous. The only good thing about this ad, is that it has been so widely discussed and criticized.

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