Grinnell Fun Facts

August 23, 2009 § 2 Comments

Since I haven’t been doing anything remotely intellectual for orientation, this is going to be a baby post. Here are some funny facts I learned about Grinnell campus:

  1. Formerly the section of campus where only women lived, South campus has some pretty hysterical architectural differences from all of the other sections. For example, the loggias (covered walkways) are not open air like the all the others on campus. They have beautiful glass windows. Know why? Because women should never have to walk in the cold Iowa winters. Haha, guess what. No one should have to do that. Ever.
  2. All of the kitchens on South campus come equipped with ironing boards. For us womenfolk to do the ironing.
  3. Just learned this one, it may be my favorite so far: the Loose dorm (holla!) was notoriously the hall for “loose women” because the window locks are the easiest to break for late night collegiate trysts.

I found those details pretty amusing when I first heard them, I really hope you enjoyed!

§ 2 Responses to Grinnell Fun Facts

  • S. says:

    I remember my tour guide there telling me something along the lines of that first one when I visited. Grinnell was one of the best schools I saw and I’m definitely applying…have a great year!

  • Ruth says:

    Contact me any time! actually , I just signed up to host prospies so if you ever want to visit again, really just let me know!! (if you cannot tell I am in love with grinnell, it’s only been like, 2 weeks.)

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