Humiliating girlhood

September 1, 2011 § 2 Comments


So, there’s a bit of a tradition of veteran MLB relief pitchers making their rookie counterparts do embarrassing and unpleasant things. The NYTimes reports the latest update: “A hazing ritual that has gone on for years seems to have reached a new level of absurdity at major league ballparks: rookie relievers are being forced to wear schoolgirl backpacks — gaudy in color, utterly unmanly — to transport gear.”

“Unmanly”! “Painful”! “Torment”! “Flamboyant”! “Amusing”! “Humiliating”! And — take a deep breath — “pink”!

They’ve spelled it out for me: there’s nothing more humiliating than being a girl. It’s a trope that’s entirely undisguised, and actually entirely unoriginal.


There is a bit of girl inside everyone. Regardless of your age or gender, she’s there. She’s the part of you that’s strong, feisty, vulnerable, compassionate, and resilient. She might be at the surface but more often she’s been repressed — like a voice silenced, like tears held in. Take a page from Eve Ensler’s book and EMBRACE YOUR INNER GIRL. If we’ve all been told to suppress her, imagine the vast power she might wield if released. She’s anything but a humiliation.

§ 2 Responses to Humiliating girlhood

  • Josh L says:

    You know, I’m sure there’s a little bit of little girl in all of us, but I’m pretty sure guys can be “strong, feisty, vulnerable, compassionate, and resilient”. Those are traits that can cross both little genders.

    • mirandanyc says:

      Yes! No objections to that sentiment here. Outlawing expressions of emotion and vulnerability in young boys is just as harmful as it is to girls.

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